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Salaam Britain

Salaam Britain - Kainat Choudhry, Chris Hamill Stewart, Petrina Ten

Series 3, Episode 12

Salaam Britain - Kainat Choudhry, Chris Hamill Stewart, Petrina Ten

Duration: 83 min

12 July 2023- Our hosts Mehwish and Tahreem will be joined by Kainat Choudhry, the founder of Oud City, that offers a luxurious experience with its captivating fragrances. We have our daily newspaper reviews with journalist Chris Hamill Stewart and joining us today is a new chef, Petrina Ten, who is originally from Malaysia. She is also an author of 2 books, ‘Whole Truth or Half Truth’ and ‘The Diabetes Solution’.

 Read more Read less | Wed 12 Jul | 09:00