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Salaam Britain

Rayyan Khurram, Khurram Iqbal, John Rees, Chef Hamza

Series 4, Episode 81

Rayyan Khurram, Khurram Iqbal, John Rees, Chef Hamza

Duration: 88 min

18 Sep 2024 - Join our host, Tahreem, as she is joined by the founder of Labbaik Cola, Rayyan Khurram (12 years old) and the Director, Khurram Iqbal. Labbaik Cola offers a halal-certified range of flavors and commits 10% of its profits to charitable causes. Additionally, we will delve into noteworthy stories during our daily newspaper review segment with our news reporter John Rees. Also, our cooking segment will be a hit with Chef Hamza.

 Read more Read less | Fri 18 Oct | 09:00